Oxford Owl Library

The Oxford Owl website has access to a number of books.

You can access the library as follows:

Click here to be redirected to the Oxford Owl website.

Log in with the username Hillstone 1 ( remember the space between Hillstone and the number 1 and the capital letter at the start)

Enter the password: Hello ( remember the capital letter at the start of Hello)

How to use Oxford Owl.

The home page has the following:

The Oxford Owl eBook Library has a range of books which can be read by your child or played aloud for your child to listen while they read. You can search by age group, series or level. Your child will be familiar with some of the books because we read similar books in school. Project X books hope to engage reluctant readers with modern, exciting stories.

The RWI ( Read Write Inc eBook Library) links to the RWI programme taught in school. There are new and exciting books to read linked to every stage.

As a guide:

Sound blending and ditty books – These books help children to blend sounds into words. They will be beneficial for all Reception children or where your child is having difficulty blending 3 or 4 sounds together to read a word.

Green to orange books – These books are read by children in Reception and Year 1 with some Year 2 children still reading the later stages ( pink and orange). In these books children will read set 1 and 2 sounds at word level.

Children read these books in the following order: green, purple, pink, orange. The orange books are the most difficult.

Blue and grey books – These books are in the last two stages of the RWI series. Children are usually in Year 2 or working on RWI in KS 2 when they read these books. Grey books are the most difficult.

RWI Spelling – This site provides extra practice linked to spelling skills from Year 2 to Year 6. Simply choose a suitable activity and click start to complete it.

Word Sparks Partner Text Audio – The partner texts are designed for an adult to read one side of the page, and the child to read the other. This way, your child gets to hear richer and more complex language during the adult part, and then has the satisfaction of being able to read their part at their own level.

To help you and your child at home, we have created audio versions of the partner text books, with actors reading out the adult and child text. These are ideal for a child to listen to as they read along in the printed book.

Just click on the book your child wants to read and press the play button! There is a sound effect to indicate when your child needs to read.

Oxford Owl for Home – A range of activities, organised by age to help your child to learn from home.