Year 4 wb 19th October

Well done year 4 – we’ve nearly made it to half term! Remember, Friday is a fancy dress day. You can dress up in a costume of your choice! 4F – we will still be going swimming so make sure your costume is something that you can easily get in and out of yourself!

On Monday and Tuesday this week we will be practising rounding. We will be rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Have a look here for a reminder on how to round. You can watch the video and have a go at some of the questions. Make sure you let us know how you get on! On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we will be revisiting all of the areas of maths that we have covered so far in year 4.

Next week we are learning about Howard Carter and writing a diary entry from his perspective. Do you remember what the features of a diary entry are?

Next week we are reading ‘The Curse of the Nile’ and answering some vocabulary questions.

Visit the year 4 homepage for links to websites to practise your spelling and times tables too. This week will also be your last chance to fill your sunflower in AR before half term. Try to finish your book this weekend ready for a quiz on Monday!