Week beginning Monday 15th March-Year 4

If your child is required to isolate or is unable to attend school for an extended period of time, please call the office on 0121 675 3573 and arrange a telephone meeting with Miss Furlong or Miss Aluriya to discuss your child’s learning.

Hello and welcome to the Year 4 Virtual Classroom! This page will be used to provide learning resources to those who are unable to attend school as a result of illness, isolation or any other reason. Furthermore, the materials found on this page may be used by any child who is keen to extend their learning at home.

Miss C. Furlong
Miss N. Aluriya
Click the image above to watch this week’s assembly.


This week we will following the area and perimeter lessons from Oak National Academy.

Lesson 1-Calculate the perimeter of composite shapes

Lesson 2-Understand that area is a measure of surface measured in squared units (part 1)

Lesson 3-Understand that area is a measure of surface measured in squared units (part 2)

Lesson 4-Calculate and compare the area of rectangles using square centimetres

Lesson 5-Calculate and compare the area of rectangles using square metres




Read our story for this week ‘The Runaway Iceberg’



Click here to explore the features of descriptive writing.

List all of the small details that built a picture of the setting in The Runaway Iceberg. Use these details and adjectives to draw your own picture of the setting.



Watch the video below before you complete today’s lesson.


Listen to our story for the week: Zoo by Anthony Browne



Do you think zoos should be kept open or closed?

Look very carefully at how the people and animals feel and behave in the story.

Make a list of reasons for and against keeping them or closing them.



Click here to learn about writing to persuade.

Write a persuasive letter to keep or close zoos using the reasons you came up with in Lesson 1.



Research information about wild tigers. Create a table with information about their habitat, diet and any interesting facts.



Today you are going to write your own diary entry from a wild tigers’ perspective.

Watch the video to follow the lesson on writing a diary entry before you have a go.



For today’s lesson you need to have completed the ‘Classifying Animals’ lesson on our topic page.

Watch the video below before completing today’s activity.

Write a non-chronological report on classifying animals. Think about the different animals you could include. You could use the research you collected in Lesson 3 to help you.

Click the image above to practise your Target Tables on Times Tables Rock Stars

And finally, keep up with your spellings using https://spellingframe.co.uk/

In the table below, you will see all our key word spellings and the lists for them. To access one of these lists, you just need to click on ‘ Enter Word List Code’ and enter the code.

To access the Year 5 words use the same website but use one of these codes 24414, 24415, 24416, 24417, 24418, 24419

It’s Red Nose Day today! Why do we raise money for Red Nose Day? Click on the video below to find out.

Fancy a quiz? Click on the logo below and give the Red Nose Day quiz a go. The answers are also linked below – no cheating!

Click here for the answers.

Follow this link to donate.

Click here for this week’s topic lessons.

46 Replies to “Week beginning Monday 15th March-Year 4”

  1. Hi year 4, it’s so great to see some of you on here already working hard. Unfortunately, the year 4 bubble has now had to close so we are back learning on here for now. Me and Miss Aluriya will be working on getting virtual school up and running for tomorrow morning. Stay safe!

    1. Well done, Lola! What a great morning. You can have a look now at one of the topic lessons at the bottom of the page if you like. Great work today!

    1. There are lots of other things to be done too unfortunately Lola! Your main focus is your learning on the virtual school, try to work your way through independently as best you can 🙂

    1. You don’t need to do anything for Goldilocks. The video is only to help you to talk you through our learning. The activity is about our text for the week, The Runaway Iceberg 🙂

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