Year 4 Friday 19th March

Good morning Year 4! Miss Furlong and Miss Aluriya are very disappointed that our bubble has had to close but we’re very glad to see you on virtual school.
Today you need to:
1) Leave a comment to sign in on the register.
2) Complete all of the work set for today.
3) Take a photo of your work and submit it here.

Hillstone Star!


Today’s Work



Going Deeper

For KG, RS and ML-W
Click here for today’s lesson.

Now go and visit TT Rock Stars! Do you have enough coins to buy a Red Nose Day nose? Remember, if you buy one, you will be donating some money to charity!
Let us know in the comments if you bought one!


Red Nose Day QUIZ!


Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Today we are going to learn about classifying animals into their groups. Our task is to write a non-chronological report on classifying animals.

Watch the video below.

Click on this link for the BBC bitesize video.


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page. I am sending out Marvellous Me badges for anyone that achieves 100% on their quizzes.

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!



There are 5 different activities below. The aim of all of them is to make other people smile or laugh. Read them all and decide which one (or ones) you would like to do today!

Activity 1: Make your own superhero mask. There are some examples on the file below. You don’t need to print their template out, you can draw your own on paper and colour it in after!

Activity 2: Try some baking! Bake sales are a very popular way to raise money for charity. Practise your baking skills; maybe next year you could be selling your own cakes. Find some special comic relief recipes below. You’ll need an adult to help you with this activity.

Activity 3: Make somebody laugh! The theme of Red Nose Day this year is ‘the power of funny’. Write down the best joke you know on a piece of paper. Could you stick the paper in your window to make people passing by laugh? Or take a photo and send it to us! Or write it in the comments. We love a good joke. If you need some inspiration, have a look at this list of animal jokes to get you started.

Activity 4: Draw a picture that will make somebody else smile. Again, could you stick this somewhere that lots of people are going to see it? You can use the template below, if you like.

Activity 5: Put on a talent show. Do you have a special talent that could make other people smile? It could be singing, drawing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, saying the alphabet backwards… anything! Put on a performance for a family member. If you’re feeling brave, you could film yourself doing your special talent and send it in to us! It would be brilliant to put some here on virtual school!

Activity 6: Try the word search, maze and spot the difference games. Click on the link below to see them.

Here’s Benjamin in his red! Listen to him tell his joke about cows!

Riley and Shayon are wearing red!

What a fabulous superhero mask!

Demi is going all out with the red today!

Send us your photos and videos to feature on the page too!

111 Replies to “Year 4 Friday 19th March”

  1. Hi its Kyle mum .. he has been poorly the last few days with a high fever, he hasnt felt up to doing hes work.. we will catch up Monday ..thank you ..

  2. Rosses are red violets are blue I could have a red nose on ttrs and so could you😃

    Lovin the math got all correct mom don t know how to send it in tho😤😤

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