Year 4 Wednesday 18th November

Watch today’s welcome video here!

Good morning Year 4! Happy Wednesday! Thank you for coming on to virtual school today. Miss Furlong and Miss Aluriya would like you to log in into virtual school every day to access the learning. It is crucial that we maintain a routine that is as close as possible to a normal school day during the next two weeks. New learning will be available each weekday and we ask that you leave us a comment (questions or messages) you have for your teacher. These will be answered daily so don’t hesitate to comment should you need any support or just want to check-in. Any work that you do, remember to tweet it @hillstoneps. Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!


Let’s the start the day off with some early morning work! So, put your thinking hats on Year 4. Below is a picture of several things combined together – a couple of Maths, Geography, English questions, etc. These questions might be topics we may have not covered in lessons yet but that’s okay! Just give it a good go – you might learn something new! Again, if you need any support, please comment below. Make sure you have left a comment to let us know you’re here too!

I wonder who will achieve a certificate for ‘Morning Challenger of the Week’.


Today we are going to write the ‘dislikes’ part of our review.

Before you start, remind yourself of the Rama and Sita story by watching it here.

Have a think for a moment, are there any parts of the Rama and Sita story that you didn’t like? If so, why? Write down one sentence of the part you disliked. Are there any parts of the story that could be improved?

What is a fronted adverbial?

Where is a fronted adverbial in the sentence?

Task 1 – Are these fronted adverbials effective and appropriate for the sentences below. If not, what fronted adverbials can they be replaced with? I have bullet pointed some suggestions below for you.

  • Not knowing why,
  • Finally,
  • Amazingly,
  • Surprisingly,
  1. Eventually, I enjoyed the part where Rama and Sita were reunited.
  2. Understandably, Ravana has ten heads and twenty arms.

Task 2 – Ask yourself what is a noun? What are the types of nouns? What is the purpose of a noun? Watch the video below to check if you are correct!

Task 3 – Today, we are going to complete the ‘dislikes’ section of our book review.

Have you entered the writing competition yet?! Look out for the full details on the main year 4 virtual classroom.


It’s time to practice your spellings from the ‘spelling frame’. Can we say them, cover and then write them? I wonder how many you will get correct? Comment below to let us know!
Watch the video below first for a reminder of how to use selling frame!

Visit Spelling Frame here.


Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Over the next few days, we are going to recap lots of multiplication and division. We are going to start off today with practising the 3x table. Even if you already know your 3x tables, there is lots of learning in this lesson that is brand new and that will help you when we get back to school.
Take part in the lesson below. Let us know how you get on!

Click here for the lesson. Make sure you watch the video and take part in all of the activities.


Spend some time on TT Rock Stars. At 12:00 Miss Furlong will post the name for the arena mode room to join if you want to play a game at the same time as her and other year 4 children. Check back here and the comments section at 12:00 for more details!


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page.

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!


13:40 – 15:00

Hillstone Life Skills

Part 1

This week is anti-bullying week. It is important that we are all kind to each other but sometimes we say or do unkind things.

I want you to think about a time that you said or did something unkind and think about what happened. Answer the questions on the sheet below.

Part 2

Next, you’re going to be thinking about jobs! What jobs do people do?

Task 1: Use a 1 minute timer (you can use this one here). How many different jobs can you think of in 1 minute. For example, teacher, police, doctor, etc…

Task 2: There are so many jobs that you can choose to do when you’re older! Have a look at this website. There is a big long list of jobs that people do (and these are just a few ideas!). If you click on any of them, you can read a little about somebody who actually has that job and what they have to do every day. I want you to pick 3 jobs and write down 3 facts about each one.

For example: I clicked on koala keeper. I found out that:
1. A koala keeper works at a zoo looking after koalas and other animals.
2. You have to be outside all day, whatever the weather!
3. You have to be calm and patient and love animals.
I think that sounds like an exciting job!

Let me know what jobs you find out about in the comments!

Part 3

Can you complete the ‘Act Your Age Scavenger Hunt’? If you can find all of the items (and show/tell us some proof!), you will get a marvellous me badge! Click on the scavenger hunt file below to get started.

Visit the year 4 topic page for more ideas of topic, music, art, PE and wellbeing activities.

211 Replies to “Year 4 Wednesday 18th November”

  1. I did the scavenger hunt with my mom! Number 1 when I was born was Domino by Jessie J. My mom had to make a sentence as there isn’t a word with 43 letters in it! Her sentence was this scavenger hunt challenge is extremely tricky

  2. 3 jobs that I would like to do when I grow up would be either a YouTuber because I love to game, and I find the videos helpful when I get stuck.
    I would also love to be a game creator because I used to love Skylanders, but love playing pokemon. I reckon I could design my own new character lastly a theme park builder sounds cool because I love theme parks and maths and excellent maths is one of the skills you need.

    1. It could be something small, like maybe you didn’t tidy your room when your mom asked. If not, you can you think of a time someone’s been mean to you?

    1. It could be something small, like maybe you didn’t tidy your room when your mom asked. If not, you can you think of a time someone’s been mean to you?

      1. Thank you. I’ve also left my AR book in school so I’ll pick a book from home to do on there when you give me my login. I’m going to have beans and sausages on toast for lunch.

  3. Hi miss furlong today I had to do the likes and dislikes in the same day because I didn’t have time to do it yesterday and that’s because I had to clean up my room. I’m excited for math because it’s three times tables I already know them all so today I will do my work in no time


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