Year 4 Wednesday 6th January 2021

Good morning Year 4! Thank you for coming on to virtual school today. Miss Furlong and Miss Aluriya would like you to log in into virtual school every day to access the learning. It is crucial that we maintain a routine that is as close as possible to a normal school day during the next two weeks. New learning will be available each weekday and we ask that you leave us a comment (questions or messages) you have for your teacher. These will be answered daily so don’t hesitate to comment should you need any support or just want to check-in. Any work that you do, remember to send us your work. There are 3 ways you can send us work:
1) Tweet it @hillstoneps
2) Email it to
3) Submit it here
Please make sure your name is on any photos that you send us.
Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!

Before you start, we know we’re going to be away from school for a little while, so it would be a good idea to make sure you have a place to keep all of your virtual school work. Your homework book would be ideal to use. If you don’t have access this (for example, you’ve left it at school), you could find another notebook that is only used for school work. Try to keep this book nice and neat just like you would with your learning and maths journals.


Let’s start the day off with some early morning work! So, put your thinking hats on Year 4. Below is a picture of several things combined together – a couple of Maths, Geography, English questions, etc. These questions might be topics we may have not covered in lessons yet but that’s okay! Just give it a good go – you might learn something new! Again, if you need any support, please comment below. Make sure you have left a comment to let us know you’re here too!


In maths this week, we will be learning about different types of graphs. Watch the video below to get started!

What different types of graphs do you already know? Here are some examples:

How many of these types of graph can you name?

Guided Practice
Today we are going to focus on bar graphs. Have a look at the graph below:

It is showing how many different flavours of cupcake were sold. Answer the questions below. (Write them in to your book).
1. How many banana cupcakes were sold?
2. How many vanilla cupcakes were sold?
3. Which was the most popular flavour of cupcake? (Which one sold the most?)
4. Which was the least popular flavour of cupcake? (Which one sold the least?)

Challenge question: How many more strawberry cupcakes than orange cupcakes were sold?
(If you’re not sure about this one, watch the video below to help you).


Below you can find pdf versions of the workbook pages that you would complete if you were in school. You don’t need to print these pages off (although you can if you prefer). You just need to be able to read the questions; you can write your answers down on a piece of paper.

The next 2 workbook pages ask you to draw your own bar chart and then asks you some questions about it. If you need some help with drawing a bar chart there is a video to watch below. You only need to watch from 03:05. (Drawing a graph might be difficult if you don’t have square paper – just try your best. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect.) The most important thing when drawing graphs is to keep it neat; always use a ruler if possible.


Once you have finished all of the maths work for today, you can mark your work using the answers here. Make sure you finish everything before having a look! If there are any questions that you didn’t get right, go back and see if you can spot your mistake (usually it’s something silly with graphs, like not looking at the right bar!). If you can’t see where you went wrong, leave us a comment and we’ll be able to help you.

Finally, it is important that you send us photos of any of the work you do. We will be sending Marvellous Me badges out to everybody who sends us work! Submit your work here or send it to


This week we are reading the story of ‘How Does A Lighthouse Work?’

What do the words below mean?

lighthouse coast

What type of a word is ‘lighthouse’? How can you break up the word to understand it’s meaning? What can we work out about its function from the two words it is made up of?

Below is the front and back covers of the book. What do you notice about the similarities and differences between the different designs?

Do you have any questions about lighthouses? Write them down if you have any.

Look at the first double page of the book below. What can you tell about where the lighthouses are located? What are the clues? Share your questions in the comments box below. Are any of the questions the same as the rest of the class?

Choose a question and predict what you think might be the answer. Use the sentence openers below to help you.

I think…..

I predict…..


Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Our new topic this term is ‘Light and Sound’. We are going to be writing a newspaper report on a short film ‘Lighthouse’.

What do you think is the importance of light and sound in the home?

Watch the short film below. What can you hear?

Discussion – Comment below in the comments box.

How do you think the lighthouse keeper is feeling? Why?

How does the film make you feel?

What is the function of a lighthouse?

Why is light important?

Where does light come from?

Quick recap from yesterday’s lesson – What are speech marks? Why do we use them? How do we use them?

Today we are going to be interviewing members of the press and will interview these characters about the incident.

Can you think of some questions to ask them? Use the table to help you. Don’t forget to comment in the comments box below!

What role will you like to be? Villager, crew member or lighthouse keeper? Ask someone at home to pretend to be one of the roles listed above.

Complete the table above to gather information about what happened in the video. Don’t forget to comment in the comments box below!


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page.

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!


Our new topic this half term is….

We are going to be learning about how light and sound travel.

Task 1 – What sounds can you hear?

Set yourself a 1 minute timer ( you could use the timer here). During the minute, be really quiet and listen out for as many different sounds as possible. Try and listen for things that are close by and things that are further away, too. Write down a list of all the different sounds you hear.

Task 2 – What light can you see?

Have a look around the room you are in. How many different light sources can you see? A light source is something that makes its own light. For example, a TV is a light source because it produces light. Make a list of all the light sources in the room.

Over the next few weeks we are going to do lots of fun investigations about sound and light but before we do, let’s find out what you already know! Split your piece of paper in to 2 sections like below.

On the left side, write down anything that you already know about sound and light. For example, do you know how we hear things? How does sound travel? How does light travel? What do you know about shadows?
On the right side, write down anything that you would like to find out or any questions that you have about either light or sound.
When you are finished, see if you can do some research to find out the answers to any of your questions or see if you can add anything to your left side. Make sure you send a photo of your work, especially your questions and we can find out the answers together!

14:15 – 14:45

Spend some time on TT Rock Stars. I’m going to be having a look at the leader board at the end of the week!

46 Replies to “Year 4 Wednesday 6th January 2021”

    1. You don’t need to download the video. It should work when you click on the video. If not, type into google the lighthouse video Literacy Shed – it will be on the website. Let me know if you cannot find it

    1. Good morning Brogan! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well done for making it to virtual school. We are soon going to start our writing lesson – have a look on our page

    1. Good morning Mudasir ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you’ve had a good new year! That’s okay. We are currently doing some graph work – have a look at the video that Miss Furlong has uploaded

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