Year 5 Friday 5th March 2021

Good morning Year 5! Welcome to all 5U and 5K pupils. Thank you for coming on to virtual school today. We would like you to log into virtual school every day to access the learning. It is crucial that we maintain a routine that is as close as possible to a normal school day during the next two weeks. New learning will be available each weekday. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need any support or just want to check-in. Remember to tweet your work @hillstoneps. Make sure you leave a comment every day so we know you’re here (each day’s comments section will be used to take a register). Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!

Have you commented to say you are here?

Fantastic news! You can now send your work to us for feedback by uploading it here. Please make sure that you have your name on each piece of work that you submit. Additionally, if you have any questions that you’d prefer to ask your teacher privately, send them to

Hillstone Star

Congratulations to Charlotte! I was blown away by Charlotte’s superb work on the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth. She did a fantastic job explaining a really challenging concept.



International Space Station - Wikipedia

Your task in writing is to complete and edit your information page on the International Space Station (ISS).

As you check through your information page, make sure you’ve used the following language features effectively:

A clear title and subtitles to help guide your reader.

Fronted adverbials to improve the flow of your page. Have you checked to make sure you’ve used a comma after each one?

Pronouns and a varied vocabulary to avoid repetition.

Parenthesis (remember to have a go at using dashes!) to include extra information and exciting details.

If you’ve used pictures, use a caption to explain what the image shows.

In the Year 5 bubble at Hillstone, we’ve also been researching the International Space Station. Have a look at some of our favourite facts below. Why not add them to your information page?

Good luck!! Remember to share a photo of your work using twitter or the Year 5 upload link at the top of the page.


Next week, when we return to school, our class book will be Laika the Astronaut. It’s a superb story with brilliant artwork.

Here’s a photo of the book’s front cover.

Laika the Astronaut: Davey, Owen, Davey, Owen: 9781783700271:  Books

The book is based on a true, but very sad, story. Take a look at this real photo of Laika.

Heroes of Space: Laika the space dog |

Your task today is to use the video below and other websites to investigate what happened to Laika.

Once you have finished, consider and respond to the following questions.

How do you think Laika felt when she was sent into orbit? Why do you think she felt this way?

In your opinion, was it right to send Laika to space? Give three reasons for your answer.

Nowadays, how could technology be used to avoid sending animals into space?

Laika Postage Stamp

Mr Campbell’s Reading Group

Prologue to the Sleeping Beauty

You can read the text along with me below and then answer the questions.

For answers to yesterday’s reading for Mr Campbell’s group click here




Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Fractions Games

It's Game Time - Posts | Facebook

As it’s the final day of virtual school (woo!) we have a treat for you today.

Your task is to explore the following websites and find the best fractions games available for Year 5s. If you find a game that’s particularly good, let everyone know in the comments so they can try it out! We’d love to hear about your high scores too.

One of my favourites is Pizza Pandas as it combines two things I love! Make sure you give it a try by following this link.

Pizza Pandas


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page.

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!

13:00 – 15:00


Photos from the Year 5 bubble

At school, the children in the Year 5 bubble have entered a local photography competition focused on wildlife and trees. Check out some of our favourite shots below. We’d love to hear what you think!

Geese on a Lake – Alfie
Holly Wood – Evie
Infinity and Beyond – Bailey
Mystic Moor Hen – Indie
Snow in the Wood – Alfie

This afternoon’s activity

Your task for this afternoon’s art lesson is to have a go at creating some digital space art. The subject of your work can be anything to do with space, but scenes with lots of stars and planets work particularly well. The gallery below shows some excellent examples.

Have a look at the following videos to give yourself some ideas!

All of the videos use a program called Microsoft Paint that is probably installed on your computer. If it isn’t, lots of free drawing apps are available on your tablet or phone that can be used in a similar way.

Remember to upload your art so we can have a look. Enjoy!


Spend some time on TT Rock Stars.

60 Replies to “Year 5 Friday 5th March 2021”

  1. Hi Mr K I can’t wait to see you on Monday and all my friends. I love the photos. My nan takes 1000 of photos of Shard End nature. I take photos with my nan too. We have seen herons, a kingfisher, barn owls, birds of prey, bats, parakeets, foxes, different moths in my nans moth catcher, hedgehogs, woodpeckers, squirrels, rabbits and loads of different birds by my house. I love nature and taking photos. I also help nan to go gardening and if I find worms I put them in the compost area to make compost.

    1. Hi Jasmine. Looking forward to seeing you too! There’s certainly some fantastic wildlife in Shard End. Do you think you could bring some of your photos in next week? The competition closes on the 10th of March so I could enter them for you if you like?

  2. I was looking through reading and we have already completed this work I did 2stars before should I just do a different level today?

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