Year 5 Monday 23rd November

Good morning Year 5! Welcome to all 5U and 5K pupils. Thank you for coming on to virtual school today. We would like you to log into virtual school every day to access the learning. It is crucial that we maintain a routine that is as close as possible to a normal school day during the next two weeks. New learning will be available each weekday. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need any support or just want to check-in. Remember to tweet your work @hillstoneps. Make sure you leave a comment every day so we know you’re here (each day’s comments section will be used to take a register). Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!

Fantastic news! You can now send your work to us for feedback by uploading it here. Additionally, if you have any questions that you’d prefer to ask your teacher privately, send them to


Let’s the start the day off with some early morning work! So, put your thinking hats on Year 5. Give it a go! – Make sure you have left a comment to let us know you’re here too!


In today’s lesson, we are continuing with The Matchbox Diary. Grandfather’s family are on their way to America. However, the journey doesn’t go very well…

Your task for today will be to write a dialogue-focused account of what it was like to experience the storm. It could be from the point of view of one of the family members or you could imagine yourself as one of the first class passengers.

Before getting started, let’s quickly revise the rules for punctuating dialogue.

As a warm up, write two speech sentences for each of the following images. Have a go at acting them out by yourself or with a family member. If you’d like some ideas to get you started, take a look at my video for each picture.

Our current focus is to entertain using emotions. Use your show-don’t-tell skills and vocab selections to help engage your reader.

Good luck!! Remember to share a photo of your work using twitter or the Year 5 upload link at the top of the page.



Listen again as I re-read chp 2 of ‘Under the Skin’. Then answer the questions that follow.

Below are the pages so you can refer to them yourself when answering the questions.

Download and answer the questions relating to chapter 2 of our story ‘Under the Skin’.

Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Work out the perimeter of this football pitch.

Work out the perimeter of this football pitch.
Can you work out what the missing lengths may be?

Now try these questions. If you can download and print off the questions. These ones below are harder.


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page.

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!


Listen in again as I continue to read ‘Under the Skin’ chp 3.

13:40 – 15:00

Topic Section

The Human Body

Today we will be researching the gestation periods of humans and other animals.

The gestation period of an animal is the time it takes for a foetus to develop between fertilisation and birth.

In different types of animal, gestation periods vary dramatically.

The shortest mammalian gestation period belongs to the opossum. After 12 days, the female gives birth to 16-20 babies.

The longest, at 22 months, belongs to the Indian elephant.

Your task today is to research and record the gestation periods of a variety of animals of your choice.

Once you’ve finished, can you identify the longest and the shortest?

Challenge! Using your research, can you figure out which factors determine the length of an animal’s gestation period?

Download the sheet below to record your work


Spend some time on TT Rock Stars.

209 Replies to “Year 5 Monday 23rd November”

  1. Charlotte has completed all of her work today and also she has helped her little brother whos in year one with his school work. She made her Dad and I very proud of her, as she is very diligent, patient and kind. Also caring as she wants to succeed in her learning and I watched and overlooked her school work whilst i was working from home. Her Dad and I are extremely proud of her achievements and also helping others, her little brother, a big well done Charlotte, her mum.

  2. Hi Mr k I had to do topic in lunch because I had to go out somewhere but in topic the animals I chose where a tiger a giraffe and a monkey I hope you are all doing well๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Well done Bilal for completing the maths and English.
      But again no can do on the zoom call, but on the bright side we’ll be back in school soon, just keep safe.

    1. Wow and double wow.
      I’ve just looked through the work Jasmine, you should be really proud of yourself.
      Your measuring in maths looked really accurate, plus you’ve included some of the work from last week as well.
      You’re a star!

  3. I have done all the work that needs my moms laptop as she needs it for work this afternoon. So after lunch I am doing my TTRS and AR. I have done topic work and loved looking at how long some gestations were. wow I am glad we aren’t that long. I have uploaded it to twitter.

    1. Thanks for the upload Alfie-Lee. Some good ideas in your writing. Do you think you could go back and add full stops and some dialogue between the passengers?

  4. Hi Mr C and Mr K,
    I enjoyed my writing task to today and will ask my mum to help upload it later on. I did an AR quiz for Danny the Champion of the World and got 100%!! Im just starting my perimeter work. Hope you are both ok.

        1. You were just about exact for a lot of the questions on the maths, the last few you may have rounded up a touch, but as you said it is tricky, so well done.

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