Week beginning 24th January

This page will be used to provide learning resources to those who are unable to attend school as a result of illness, isolation or any other reason. Furthermore, the materials found on this page may be used by any child who is keen to extend their learning at home.

Please bring all work that you complete in to school when you return.

Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!



Here are the resources referred to in the video:


Here is the PDF containing all the mysterious images.


Below is a PDF containing the various different mysterious images.




Watch the lesson above, pausing at the appropriate times to complete any questions.

Now click here for your question sheet. Remember you can re-watch parts of the video to help you answer the questions.


Watch the lesson above, pausing at the appropriate times to complete any questions.

Now click here for your question sheet. Remember you can re-watch parts of the video to help you answer the questions.


Watch the lesson above, pausing at the appropriate times to complete any questions.

Now click here for your question sheet. Remember you can re-watch parts of the video to help you answer the questions.


Watch the lesson above, pausing at the appropriate times to complete any questions.

Now click here for your question sheet. Remember you can re-watch parts of the video to help you answer the questions.


Watch the lesson above, pausing at the appropriate times to complete any questions.

Now click here for your question sheet. Remember you can re-watch parts of the video to help you answer the questions.

Watch Newsround.


Watch any videos needed for each day then complete the tasks set for you. These are videos being re-used from last year, relating to texts and targets for your current topic.


When you have finished, you can check your answers using the guidelines below.





Accelerated Reader

Read your Accelerated Reader book for 20 minutes after lunch.

Afternoon Activities: Each day, after AR, choose one of the activities below to complete and then finish your day with some TTRS.


There are a few options for your PE sessions:

Choose one of the activities on Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel here.

Check out the activities on Coach’s PE From Home page here and choose one (or more!) to complete.

.Choose an activity from Youth Sports Trust. You can find a list of fun activities here.


Bonjour! Everything you need for today’s French lesson is in the video below. Enjoy!



For the art lesson, you are going to continue producing your final piece, as we will be in school. You will need:

  • a pencil
  • a piece of paper
  • a copy of the courtroom scene of your choice (this can be on an iPad or laptop)

First, look at the four courtroom scenes (in the document below) and remind yourself of the one you would like to recreate.

Now, using a pencil, begin to very gently (don’t press down hard) sketch the outline of that courtroom scene. You can see my example, and the example of some children’s last year, below.

If you, like me when I first started, look at this task and have NO IDEA where to start and think there is NO WAY you’ll be able to do it, then watch the video below to see me have a go and share my top tips at how to be successful.

This will most likely take you a while to do and if we were in school, we would spend a couple of afternoons on this, so make a good start on it today, and we will continue it in school.


In topic today, you are investigating European countries. Watch the lesson below.

Task 1: complete the map of Europe . Use an atlas, globe or the internet to help you.

Task 2 : now complete a fact sheet on any European country you are interested in learning more about. Click here for a template or you can design your own.

Good luck detectives!

In topic today, you are investigating European countries. Watch the lesson below.

Task 1: complete the map of Europe . Use an atlas, globe or the internet to help you.

Task 2 : now complete a fact sheet on any European country you are interested in learning more about. Click here for a template or you can design your own.

Good luck detectives!

Answers here.

And finally, keep up with your spellings using https://spellingframe.co.uk/

In the table below, you will see all our key word spellings and the lists for them. To access one of these lists, you just need to click on ‘ Enter Word List Code’ and enter the code.

Click the image above to practise your Target Tables on Times Tables Rock Stars

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