Week beginning Monday 10th May-Year 2

Mrs H. Sheehan
Mrs A. Driver
Miss R. Langford

If your child is required to isolate or is unable to attend school for an extended period of time, please call the office on 0121 675 3573 and arrange a telephone meeting with Mrs Sheehan, Mrs Driver or Miss Langford to discuss your child’s learning.

This page will be used to provide learning resources to those who are unable to attend school as a result of illness, isolation or any other reason. Furthermore, the materials found on this page may be used by any child who is keen to extend their learning at home.

Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!

The maths lessons below follow the sequence of learning also taking place in school. Please use the lessons as needed. You may wish to ‘get ahead of the game’ and pre-tutor your child prior to the week’s learning. Alternatively, they can be used as a follow up to the day’s learning and serve as some additional practice. And, of course, they provide virtual learning if your child is having to self-isolate at home.


Adding two numbers – crossing a 10.

Click here to follow today’s math’s lesson.

Click here for today’s task.


Subtracting a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number.

Click here for today’s math’s lesson.

Click here for today’s task.


Subtraction crossing 10.

Click here for today’s lesson.

Click here for a subtraction game. Play the game for as long as needed to apply the skills learnt in today’s video. Scroll down to ‘Addition and Subtraction’ and then select the ‘Column Subtraction’ game.


Mixed addition and subtraction

Click here for today’s lesson.

Click here for today’s task. Choose 10 calculations to solve using the column method – 5 addition sentences and 5 subtraction sentences would be great. Challenge yourself!


Arithmetic – 10 more and less

Click on the image below to play the game. Play for as long as you’d long with the aim of becoming super speedy when adding and subtracting a 10! Once you have clicked on the link, scroll down and select the ‘Depthcharger’ game.

Click the image above to practise your Target Tables on Times Tables Rock Stars

We often play these games in school and the children love to challenge themselves! Can they beat their previous score? Can they complete the game more quickly? Timers at the ready!

Select the multiplication games

Join in with the speed sounds lesson for your Read Write Inc group by clicking the links below. In your Read Write Inc group you will be learning either Set 2 or Set 3 sounds. Follow the links for the right set each day. You may want to revisit sounds you already know, so please dip into this resource and use it as you wish.

This week’s English lessons follow directly what is being done in class. You will find the worksheets you need below the videos. Pause the video whenever you want to go over points or to complete an activity. Aim to spend about 30-40 minutes on each day’s lessons.


You may want to read the explanations here.


Here is a copy of the water cycle to write on. Here is some extra information you might want to use.

Watch this video which will also help to explain the water cycle – don’t worry about the language condensation, precipitation etc.


Here is a writing frame for you to write your explanation.



Let’s practice some handwriting joins.

Carry on with your daily reading by choosing a book (at the right stage for your child) from the Oxford Owl library. You need to register on the home page of the website, but this is free! Click here for your own virtual library…

Click here to see a range of ideas for questions you can ask your child about the text they are reading.

And finally, keep up with your spellings using https://spellingframe.co.uk/

In the table below, you will see all our key word spellings and the lists for them. To access one of these lists, you just need to click on ‘ Enter Word List Code’ and enter the code.

To access the Year 3 words use the same website but use one of these codes 24401, 24402, 24403, 24404, 24405 or 24406

Topic Lessons


This week, we’d like you to keep a diary of the weather!

You can make your own, or use the Weather Diary example. You don’t have to print this, you can work on paper if you need to. We’d also like you to create your own key for the weather each day so think carefully about the symbols you use.

We’re also going to explore another property of everyday materials-elasticity.

Click here for the Oak National Academy lesson “Which material is stretchiest?”

For this week’s art lesson, we’d like you to

We also have two P.E. sessions a week. Click here to choose from the activities coach has set up on the P.E. page.

Join in with our meditation session for this week by watching the video on the left.

Click here to visit Mr Farr’s music page and complete one of the activities.

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