Year 1-Week Beginning 4th January

Please let us know you’re here by commenting at the bottom of the page. You can also use the comments to ask any questions you might have!

You can share your work from today with your teachers by clicking the button below to upload your work. Please remember to put your name on it!

When you press the button there is also the option to email your work to us. This is the best way to send so that we can reply!

Click the link below to watch the video before completing the practice questions and worksheet underneath.

Click the links below to access your child’s speed sound lesson.

  • If you were with Mrs King or Mrs Evans then watch Video 1
  • If you were with Miss Young or Mrs Lyddiatt then watch Video 2
  • If you were with Mrs Kirk or Miss Hawkley then watch Video 3.
Mrs King
Mrs Evans
Miss Young
Mrs Lydiatt

We’re also learning to count in our 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Click the picture on the left to play Hit the Button – press times tables – tables up to 10 – choose x 2, x 5 or x 10.

For today’s lesson, we’d like you to play the game below by clicking the picture. This will take you through all of the events of The Great Fire of London.

Think back to our guided reading lessons when we talked about what a main event is. As you go through the game, write down the parts you think are the main events. You will need this for our work tomorrow.

It is important to encourage your child to say their sentences aloud before writing them and to read them back to ensure they make sense.

Think carefully about the sounds in words and ensuring that a sensible sized space is left between words when we write. The children use the charts below at every writing opportunity in school.

Hillstone Life Skills

Click on the links below to access today’s Hillstone Life Skills lesson. Today the children are looking at the similarities and differences between themselves and others. Discuss the slides first, then complete the worksheet.

This half term we are learning all about the Great Fire of London. For activities based on The Great Fire of London please see the homework grid below.

Don’t forget, you can share your work from today with your teachers by clicking the button below to upload your work. Please remember to put your name on it!

When you press the button there is also the option to email your work to us. This is the best way to send so that we can reply!

76 Replies to “Year 1-Week Beginning 4th January”

  1. Medhysan today enjoyed everything he had done today and he did the work from the website in his book he got sent. If that is ok if it is not can you please let me know. Thank you hope you are all safe.

    1. That’s great. Well done, Medhysan! We’re so glad he’s enjoying it and managing to work so well at home. Working in his book is exactly what we want, thank you for all of your time and patience!

      1. Hi mrs young its ehtisham mum here we have not got internet at home so I’m trying my best working with ayaan and ehtisham using my phone

  2. Ella has done letter formation worksheets Aa and Bb, submitted work and photos for you to see. She has also done some reading this afternoon blending sounds brilliantly.

  3. Good morning everyone it me fatimata sow I finally finished my work
    And hope you’re having fun 🤠😉 and I want to play with my friend but I can’t 😭 I need to to stay at home 🏡 hope we all can come to school 🏫 so we can play with our friends ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ and by by❤️😺🖐️🖐️

  4. Ella has completed her maths work and she has done her speed sounds too. She used dried bits of pasta to help with finding sums to make 15 and with a bit of help on that last maths task she did really well. Pasta definitely helped her visualise and split numbers of 15 to help create sums. I’ve submitted work and photos. Thank you.

      1. Thank you, Ella is doing her best whilst I am working and I’ve submitted some more worksheets she did today around numbers and correct formation. She will also complete handwriting task shortly too and she has worksheets I have printed off for all the correct letter formations 👍

      1. I miss you! thank you for my workbook, mom just sent my work hope it’s ok I like the great fire of London game. have a great weekend I’m going to have pizza Friday for dinner and homemade chocolate cake for pudding.

        1. I miss you too Darcey! I’m just about managing without your extra help… Your work is fantastic, you’ve tried so hard to look at all of the number sentences to make sure they fit in each fact family. I did notice you’d also used a multiplication fact on the last working deeper question-well done!! Your booklet looks beautiful, I can see you’ve spent a lot of time using your sounds (which I can see a big improvement in!) and taken care to draw the pictures. Thank you so much for sharing all of your hard work.
          Have a lovely weekend all, pizza sounds yummy and now you’ve definitely put the thought of chocolate cake in my head for MY pudding! 🙂

    1. I’ve just got the work you uploaded for today Ryan and I am so impressed. Your writing is looking fantastic and I can see you are trying hard to use your sounds. Well done!!

    1. I’ll pass this on to Mrs King. She is currently teaching in school so it may not be straight away but I will certainly pass on the message. Is there anything I could help with? I can provide you with the year groups private email address if you wish to discuss in private?

        1. Hello! I have and I did give some feedback by replying to your earlier comment from this morning. Please have a look at your comment for this morning and you should be able to see the feedback. If not, let me know 🙂

    1. Good afternoon, Caylum! I’ve just seen your maths work and wow! What a fantastic effort for a completely new method. You’ve done a great job, well done!

  5. Ella was online yesterday and again today. I am working from home so a lot of school work for Ella is done late afternoons. She managed read write ink, phonics, speed sounds, reading and writing yesterday as well as spellings and pe and number work too. Ella is doing well and working hard.

    1. Fabulous! Well done, Ella! We appreciate you finding the time to schedule in time for Ella’s learning around working yourself. If you’d like to send us some of your work that would be lovely, me and Mrs King would love to see! 🙂

        1. I’ve just taken a look! Ella has just missed out on taking away from the ten which was the new strategy we talked through today. However, we teach the children a variety of methods including the one she has successfully used to get the right answers so she has done a fantastic job of using what she knows to answer some rather tricky questions. Keep it up, Ella!

          1. She has grasped adding and taking away by crossing off the counters, the only way she would understand and could do it a little more independently. Difficult when I’m working to explain a new process and she gets confused and then doesn’t want to do it so got her to answer it the most straightforward way which she understood. She did work incredibly hard to get the answers independently with the method she used. Ella never asked me once for the answer.

          2. That’s absolutely fine! She’s had a look at a different option and it will be revisited at some point too. I’m so pleased to hear she gave it a go! To work independently to get the right answers shows she has put a lot of thought and time into her work. This will really help her confidence too as she begins to work more independently, what a great start to the day!

    2. Hi Medhysan today really had fun with his maths and completed all the worksheets. He also did the worksheets on the things that are same and difference. He really enjoyed the game about the Great fire of London. Hope you guys are all well. Stay safe.

      1. Would that be the work that we’ve just been sent? If so, well done Medhysan, you did well! We’re so glad you’re enjoying your learning! Stay safe 🙂

  6. Morning Finlay is enjoying learning about the fire of London and doing the worksheets I will send his work over that he has completed when I am next in work

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