Year 4 Thursday 19th November

Watch today’s welcome video here!

Good News!
We now have a place that you can send your work to us. When you finish a lesson, please take a photo of what you have done and submit it here (and only your teachers will be able to see it). There is also an email address on this page that can be used to send any questions, comments or ideas about virtual school to your teacher, who will be able to email straight back. We’re looking forward to seeing your work!

Good morning Year 4! Happy Thursday! Thank you for coming on to virtual school today. Miss Furlong and Miss Aluriya would like you to log in into virtual school every day to access the learning. It is crucial that we maintain a routine that is as close as possible to a normal school day during the next two weeks. New learning will be available each weekday and we ask that you leave us a comment (questions or messages) you have for your teacher. These will be answered daily so don’t hesitate to comment should you need any support or just want to check-in. Any work that you do, remember to tweet it @hillstoneps. Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!


Let’s the start the day off with some early morning work! So, put your thinking hats on Year 4. Below is a picture of several things combined together – a couple of Maths, Geography, English questions, etc. These questions might be topics we may have not covered in lessons yet but that’s okay! Just give it a good go – you might learn something new! Again, if you need any support, please comment below. Make sure you have left a comment to let us know you’re here too!


This week we have been at work writing our reviews for a chance to win a prize in the Great British Write Off.

What have you written so far in your review?

Likes and dislikes?

So far, your review will look something like this below. What can you improve? Is there anything missing?

this classic tale of good defeating evil is popular not only in India, but throughout the world Throughout the story, i enjoyed discovering about the evil plot of the demon king ravana.

Curiously, I think that Princess Sita could have used her own courage to escape from the demon king, without having to rely on her husband and his ally King hanuman to save her

Task 1 – Edit your writing to check you have used:

  • Capital letters (Remember names need capital letters too!) and full stops
  • Appropriate fronted adverbials

Task 2 – Are there any questions you still have about the story? Anything about the story that still puzzles you?

Example: After finishing the story, I would like to know more about King Hanuman who lived in the forest. If it was such a horrible place, why did he and his monkeys continue to live there?

Task 3 – Draw a picture of your favourite scene in the story in your book review.

Once you finish all of that, have a look at the task below:

Time Capsules

A time capsule is where you puts lots of objects in a box and hide it for a certain length of time. Then, you open it to remember what life was like when you hid away the objects. Right now we’re living through a big, historical event. One day, you might want to look back and remember what life was like during Coronavirus. Here is a photo of what one group of children put in their time capsule.

You can see they’ve put in newspapers, bits of writing and objects that are important to them. To make your time capsule, you’re going to need to do the following things:

1. Have a look at the sheets below and answer the questions on them. You might want to print them off or just use pieces of paper. I would use a different piece of paper for each sheet/question so that you have lots of things to go in your time capsule.

2. Decide if there’s anything else you want to put in your time capsule. Remember it will be hidden away for a while so don’t put anything that you will need or miss!

3. Decide what you’re going to put your items in. You could use an old shoe box, an envelope, a little plastic bag or anything else really! Here’s a link for how to make your own envelope if you don’t have anything!

4. Write a note on the top of your time capsule with your name, today’s date and the date that you want to open it again. This could be anything from next month, to next year, to ten years time if you like!

5. You’re all done! Let us know what your time capsule looks like and what you’ve put in it! Maybe you could get an adult to take a picture of your time capsule and put it on twitter?

If you run out of time to do all of this before reading, you can finish it off in the afternoon!

Have you entered the writing competition yet?! Look out for the full details on the main year 4 virtual classroom.


This week we are reading a new story – ‘The Jungle Book’. Lesson 3

Task 1 – Find the answers to these questions in the text.

  • Why did the wolf get ready to leap after seeing the bushes rustle?
  • Why did the baby push to get between the other cubs?
  • Why is Shere Khan angry?

Task 2 – Complete the questions below.

Read Theory

If you finish your writing early and/or if you have finished your AR book and taken your quiz, you need to sign up to Read Theory. This is a website that gives you things to read and asks you questions, a little bit like AR. You will need to sign up but it is quick and easy, all you need is your name and a password. Watch the video below to find out how to sign up.

Click here to get to the Read Theory site.
You will need the class code, which is BRTHFE7L


Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Today we’re going to be looking at how and why multiplication can be completed in any order. Take part in the lesson below; make sure you watch the video and complete the worksheet at the end. Let us know how you get on!

Click here to find today’s lesson!

Just for fun – if you’ve finished your maths lesson, have a look at the 5 riddles below. Do you think you know the answers? Let us know in the comments and we’ll tell you if you’re right!

  1. What weighs more – a pound of iron or a pound of feathers?
  2. It takes a man an hour and ten minutes to walk along each side of a square field.  Walking at the same pace it only takes him 70 minutes to walk along the last side.  How?
  3. There is a pink single storey house and everything in it is pink. The doors are pink, the windows are pink and the TV is pink. What colour are the stairs?
  4. Twenty-seven ducks are going to the pond. Five of them got lost, thirteen of them are staying home, and nine of them are at the pond. Where are the rest of them?
  5. If there are four apples and you take away three, how many do you have?


Spend some time on TT Rock Stars. At 12:00 Miss Furlong will post the name for the arena mode room to join if you want to play a game at the same time as her and other year 4 children. Check back here and the comments section at 12:00 for more details!


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page.

If you have read your book and done your quiz, then sign up to Read Theory and answer some of the questions on there. (Have a look in the reading section above for full details.)

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!


Today’s poems were picked by Riley and Ben. Auraya, your poem will be tomorrow and I need one more person to pick our last poem of the week. Just give me a number between 1 and 270!

13:40 – 15:00

It’s really important that while you’re at home, you’re staying as active as possible! Think of all that exercise you usually get running around at playtime! So today, we are going to get moving. Below are lots of different exercise videos. You can choose 1, 2 or all of them! Just make sure you get active today.

Coach has now got his page up and running! He has videos on there to help you keep fit and practise specific skills. If you would like to try out his videos, visit the PE from home page.

Take part in some ‘Just Dance’ dancing!
Join Joe Wicks with a beginner’s workout for kids
Dance along with the Kids Bop kids
A different, 8 minute long, workout with Joe
Take part in some yoga for kids

The BBC also have lots of ‘super mover’ videos – you can choose any video from this page.


Good news if you are musical! Mr Farr’s music page is now up and running. He has made a video showing you how to log in and use Charanga, which has lots of activities and videos for all of us to use, including singing and different instruments. If you need a reminder of your login to access that, just leave us a comment and we will get it for you.

Mr Farr also has videos that you can follow along with if you learn guitar in school too!

Visit the year 4 topic page for more ideas of topic, music, art, PE and wellbeing activities.

126 Replies to “Year 4 Thursday 19th November”

  1. Mom just upload some of my work not all tho as I’m redoing my book review but printer isn’t working for template and the time capsule so I have noted all down on paper for now

    1. Hi Tyler, I’ve just had a look and it’s all there thank you. I liked reading your letter to future you – let’s hope this virus has all gone by the time ‘future you’ reads it! I’m sure Miss Aluriya will enjoy having a look through all of your work too.

    1. Hi miss furlong this is not really about work I just really wanted to tell you that I’m really happy because I felt Corey (my brother) kick three times and I was the first one also that Shakira Waka Waka video we did that dance before in our giraffes can’t dance play at school


      1. Oh wow that’s so exciting Lexie!He’s going to be here before you know it! Ohh did you that before, I didn’t know that. I bet you’ll be really good at it then 😁

  2. Riddle answers are: a pound of iron, one hour equals 60 minutes so add 10 and that equals 70 minutes, there are no stairs, at the pond, I Still have 4 apples

  3. Hi year 4, I hope your lessons are going well so far! What questions did you have about the Rama and Sita story?
    We now have a place where you can upload all of your work too! Take a photo of anything that you do/have already done and click on the ‘submit your work’ button. You can find this under the maths, reading and writing lessons or there is a link under the welcome video. Only your teachers will be able to see what you send us. We’re looking forward to seeing what you have been up to!

      1. me and mom are having a big debate about one of today’s riddles (What weighs more – a pound of iron or a pound of feathers?) mom says they both way the same I say the iron is heavier what do you think?

        1. Your mom’s right on this one I’m afraid! If they both weigh a pound, then they both weigh a pound! They’re exactly the same. It would look something like this! a pound of metal vs pound of feathers

          1. Neve, I just tried logging into my laptop and it worked. Try giving it another go again. Make sure you are going onto ‘Accelerated Reader’ under the ‘Children’ tab on the school website

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