Year 5 Thursday 18th March

Good morning Year 5! Welcome to all 5U and 5K pupils. Thank you for coming on to virtual school today. We would like you to log into virtual school every day to access the learning. It is crucial that we maintain a routine that is as close as possible to a normal school day during the next two weeks. New learning will be available each weekday. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need any support or just want to check-in. Remember to tweet your work @hillstoneps. Make sure you leave a comment every day so we know you’re here (each day’s comments section will be used to take a register). Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!

Have you commented to say you are here?

Fantastic news! You can now send your work to us for feedback by uploading it here. Please make sure that you have your name on each piece of work that you submit. Additionally, if you have any questions that you’d prefer to ask your teacher privately, send them to


Let’s the start the day off with some early morning work! Give it a good go! – Make sure you have left a comment to let us know you’re here too!



Today, we’re going to start the first three paragraphs of our descriptions of Pandora.

This week, we have focused on figurative language. As a warm-up, can you think of a simile or metaphor to describe each of the following images?

Could a habitable planet orbit a black hole? | Science | AAAS

Focus points


Figurative language


Remember, we’re focusing on the first three paragraphs today. It’s about quality, not quantity.

Good luck!! Remember to share a photo of your work using twitter or the Year 5 upload link at the top of the page.


Mr Campbell’s Reading Group

Do this word study to familiarize yourself with these key words from the text.

Pooh’s Song

You can read the text along with me below and then answer the questions.


For today’s answers, when you’ve finished the work click here

Everyone Else Reading



Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Maths Warm Up

Please watch the videos below.

Now try these questions below.


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page.

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!


Why do you think so many previous Mars missions ended in failure?

Why would it be a problem for the rover to take bacteria from Earth to Mars?
Can you explain why no one can fix the rover once it has left Earth?

If you were responsible for naming the rover, what would you have called it?

13:40 – 15:00

Physical Education

There are a few options for your PE sessions.

  1. Follow along with Joe Wicks, on his YouTube channel here.
  2. Check out the activities on Coach’s PE From Home page here and choose one (or more!) to complete.
  3. Go for some exercise outdoors, whether it’s a walk, a jog, a run or something else.
  4. Choose an activity from Youth Sports Trust. You can find a list of fun activities here.

If you are able to, please take photos or videos of whichever activity you choose and upload to Twitter @hillstoneps (include your name and year group) so we can see what you are getting up to!


Spend some time on TT Rock Stars.

71 Replies to “Year 5 Thursday 18th March”

  1. I have finished all my work I will do my writing t m o row can i advise you to go on tt rs when you finished your work just click one the red nose for all the details just because that is wat i am going to do 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 o and see you on virtual school tomorow by 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :):) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. hi I just saw a red nose day raising on tt rostars it says use your ttrs coins to raise real money for comic realefie (red noes day) so all you need to do is go on tt rs for futher in for mation 🙂 🙂 🙂 :)) 🙂 🙂 :):)
    :() :() :()

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