Year 5 Tuesday 16th March

Good morning Year 5! Welcome to all 5U and 5K pupils. Thank you for coming on to virtual school today. We would like you to log into virtual school every day to access the learning. It is crucial that we maintain a routine that is as close as possible to a normal school day during the next two weeks. New learning will be available each weekday. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need any support or just want to check-in. Remember to tweet your work @hillstoneps. Make sure you leave a comment every day so we know you’re here (each day’s comments section will be used to take a register). Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!

Have you commented to say you are here?

Fantastic news! You can now send your work to us for feedback by uploading it here. Please make sure that you have your name on each piece of work that you submit. Additionally, if you have any questions that you’d prefer to ask your teacher privately, send them to


Let’s the start the day off with some early morning work! Give it a good go! – Make sure you have left a comment to let us know you’re here too!



In yesterday’s writing lesson, we started to explore Pandora. Can you remember some of the planet’s key features? As a warm up, think about Pandora’s similarities and differences to Earth.

Toady, we will be using figurative language to describe the Pandora. Figurative language takes words beyond their literal meaning. We will be exploring how similies and metaphors can achieve this.

A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things.

For example: you were as brave as a lion.

metaphor is a word or a phrase used to describe something as if it were something else:

For example: “A wave of terror washed over him.” The terror isn’t actually a wave, but a wave is a good way of describing the feeling.

Your task today is to come up with two similes and two metaphors for a variety of images linked to Pandora. If you need some examples, have a look at my videos underneath each picture. Also, watching the video from yesterday’s lesson may give you some ideas.


Pandora’s Rainforest

Flying Creatures




Good luck!! Remember to share a photo of your work using twitter or the Year 5 upload link at the top of the page.


Mr Campbell’s Reading Group

Do this word study to familiarize yourself with these key words from the text.


You can read the text along with me below and then answer the questions.


For today’s answers, when you’ve finished the work click here

Everybody Else Reading



Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Maths Warm Up

Please watch the videos below.

Now try these questions below.


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page.

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!


What do you think is meant by ‘paved the way for people to follow’?
Why do you think the writer has chosen to use such short sentences on this page?
Where do you think she might have been taken?
What do you notice about how the plants link to the events of the story?
Can you explain what is meant by a ‘happy ending fit for a true explorer’?
What do you think of this version’s ending?

No one knows for sure what happened to Laika. In the comments section, let us know what you think really happened…

13:40 – 15:00

Physical Education

There are a few options for your PE sessions.

  1. Follow along with Joe Wicks, on his YouTube channel here.
  2. Check out the activities on Coach’s PE From Home page here and choose one (or more!) to complete.
  3. Go for some exercise outdoors, whether it’s a walk, a jog, a run or something else.
  4. Choose an activity from Youth Sports Trust. You can find a list of fun activities here.

If you are able to, please take photos or videos of whichever activity you choose and upload to Twitter @hillstoneps (include your name and year group) so we can see what you are getting up to!


Spend some time on TT Rock Stars.

88 Replies to “Year 5 Tuesday 16th March”

  1. Hi, I’ve done the early morning work. School holiday work. Pandora writing. The story work and maths. Accelerated reading and rock stars.

  2. I have completed my maths and writing, mom has sent it to you. I have worked through the early morning and reading work too. I’m going to play in the garden after lunch.

  3. I though mom uploaded my work yesterday but she didn’t so I have uploaded it with today’s writing.
    For pe I have done trampolining.

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