Year 5 Wednesday 25th November

Good morning Year 5! Welcome to all 5U and 5K pupils. Thank you for coming on to virtual school today. We would like you to log into virtual school every day to access the learning. It is crucial that we maintain a routine that is as close as possible to a normal school day during the next two weeks. New learning will be available each weekday. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need any support or just want to check-in. Remember to tweet your work @hillstoneps. Make sure you leave a comment every day so we know you’re here (each day’s comments section will be used to take a register). Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Have a great day!

Fantastic news! You can now send your work to us for feedback by uploading it here. Additionally, if you have any questions that you’d prefer to ask your teacher privately, send them to

A special mention goes to Eliana for the fantastic writing she uploaded on Tuesday. We were blown away by her vocabulary. Terrific work!

Another special mention goes to Alex. Check out his brilliant art below.


Let’s the start the day off with some early morning work! Give it a good go! – Make sure you have left a comment to let us know you’re here too!

Below are the answers for the Morning Task, you should check your answers only when you’ve finished your work and not before!!


Today, we are going to finish the story of The Matchbox Diary before moving on to our next writing project.

Look at the images and read each page. Some of my videos will have comprehension questions at the end. In your responses, make sure you provide good reasons for your answers.

And that’s the end! Why not share your opinions on the story in the comments section?

Over the next few lessons, we are going to write The Matchbox Diary-style descriptions of three objects that have special emotional significance to us.

Listen to my example below.

Paragraph one

Paragraph two

Paragraph three

If you wish, you can download a copy of my version and adapt some of the ideas.

Your task for today is to plan out your own piece in this style.

You will need to pick three objects that belong to you that have emotional significance.

Next, make a note of any ideas that will help you to describe each of the objects as well as the emotions linked to them.

Good luck!! Remember to share a photo of your work using twitter or the Year 5 upload link at the top of the page.



Listen again as I re-read chp 4 of ‘Under the Skin’. Then answer the questions that follow.

Below are the pages so you can refer to them yourself when answering the questions.

Download and answer the questions relating to chapter 4 of our story ‘Under the Skin’.

Grab a piece of fruit for snack and watch Newsround with us!


Now try these questions below.

  1. You’ll need a ruler to measure the sides of these shapes in order to calculate the perimeter.

2. You can print off the three slides below here.

Remember add up each side to work out the perimeter.
Remember add up each side to work out the perimeter. Also check the units is it in cm, mm, yd or inches etc.
Remember add up each side to work out the perimeter. Also check the units is it in cm, mm, yd or inches etc.

Below are the answers for our maths questions, you should check your answers only when you’ve finished your work and not before!!


Read your AR book. When you are finished, you can take your quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can login here. Any problems, (for example, if you can’t remember your login details) just leave us a comment at the bottom of the page.

Click HERE to visit an online reading website. Select any story you would like to hear and click on ‘Youtube’ (so that you can view and listen to the story through Youtube). Don’t forget to let us know what stories you are reading/have read in the comments below!


Listen in again as I continue to read ‘Under the Skin’ chp 5.

13:40 – 15:00

Life Skills

Growth Mindset

In recent life skills lessons, we have been exploring the concept of growth mindset.

Having a growth mindset doesn’t only benefit children. Today, we will be exploring how having a growth mindset could help teachers to improve as well!

Take a look at the following videos and questions.

Is the teacher doing a good job?

What could he do to improve?

In this difficult situation, how could he demonstrated a growth mindset?

Has there been any improvement since the first scene?

What’s he still doing wrong?

How could a growth mindset have improved the teacher’s relationship with class?

Your task this afternoon is to design the perfect teacher. Think carefully about which aspects of growth mindset would be the most important.

Below are a few examples to help you.

Remember to upload your work so we can look at your ideas and demonstrate a growth mindset ourselves!


Spend some time on TT Rock Stars.

190 Replies to “Year 5 Wednesday 25th November”

  1. I really liked the Matchbox Diary story. I enjoyed the part where he got a good job as a printer for thirty years, he worked so hard when he was younger and then had his own shop full of things he loved. I also loved the day he spent time with his dad at the baseball game because he felt relaxed and happy .

    I was up early and started work at 8:30am. I’m having a happier day today 😊

  2. I have done my maths too and have sent it to the cloud. I’m going to do accelerated reader now ive chosen a book on polar bears from get epic i like books about animals

    1. As long as you’ve checked all of your work and you’re happy with it then I don’t see why not.
      Are you able to upload what you’ve done to the cloud, or have you already done so?

  3. Good morning Year 5. Have a fantastic day of learning!
    I’m looking forward to seeing all the wonderful work that you will complete today, so remember to tweet your work.

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