Year 6 Friday 8th January 2021

Good morning Year 6 and happy Friday! 

We would like you to join us every day to access your learning. As we are all living under the restrictions of a national lockdown, we will maintain a routine which is as close as possible to a normal school day.  New lessons will be uploaded every day and we are available in the comments section should you require any support. 

We hope you enjoy today’s lessons.  Please stay safe.

From Miss Kinsman, Mrs Bridges and Mrs Gillett.

Today’s timetable.


Good morning. Please say hello in the comments section below so we can mark you in on our registers. Settle in to the day by reading some of the extracts from The Happy News (images below) before writing begins.

Some things to think about this morning…



Thank you for all the writing sent in yesterday; here’s some feedback for you:

Watch the video below, please, pausing when asked – and there are time guidelines given so you have an idea of roughly how long to spend on each task. Please do contact us via comments if you need any further help.

If you usually work with a teaching assistant at the start of the lesson and write on a scaffolded sheet, here is your task for today:


Enjoy a quick break.



Warm up: play Alien Attack all four quadrants. Click here for the website.

For yesterday’s answers click here.

Feedback from yesterday: I know some of you found yesterday’s work a little tricky; don’t panic. Using a ruler or something straight, like I did in the video, will help you. The most important thing is that you remember that when reading or plotting a co-ordinate you read across and then up/down.

Watch the lesson above, pausing at the appropriate times to complete any questions.

Now click here for your question sheet. Remember you can re-watch parts of the video to help you answer the questions.

Click here for the pink questions.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: warm-up click here and, for 10 minutes, practise the times tables you are currently working on.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: watch the two short clips below.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: your questions are here.


Grab a piece of fruit and a drink and let’s watch Newsround together.



Feedback from yesterday:  Thank you for putting in the effort with your reading lessons and for thinking carefully about the questions you were asked.

Today’s lesson is in two parts. For the first 25 minutes, you have a reading comprehension. Please read the text below first, making annotations as you read.

Now, use the text to help you answer the questions. Once you have finished, submit your work and I will mark them and provide some general feedback before Monday’s video.

For the final 20 minutes, log on to Read Theory and complete the reading tasks set for you.

If you cannot remember your login details, click on the ‘sign up’ button and create a new profile. You do not need a class code to do this. But, please make sure you write your details somewhere safe so you can keep using the website, without having to sign up each time.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: Complete the ReadTheory activity mentioned above, then click on the link below to choose a different text.

Click here to choose a different book to read.

Mr Campbell’s Reading Group

Invisible Vinnie Chapter 5

You can download the text to read along below and also the resources with the questions to answer.


Enjoy your lunch and we will see you back here at 13.30.


Accelerated Reader

Read your Accelerated Reader book. Let us know how you get on with your quizzes.



Use this website to help find information about Priscilla Coleman.

Use the information on the video for Lois Gibson.



For today’s PE session, have a look at the What’s Your Name circuit activities on the PDF below. Have fun with this and please share any photos and/or videos with us via Twitter, using the @hillstoneps tag.


Find a cosy space at home, then sit back and relax whilst listening to Haylie Duff read Romeow & Drooliet. Click here.

118 Replies to “Year 6 Friday 8th January 2021”

    1. The boys had issues with it this morning too. You need to download it and then open it separately.
      I checked the page and there have been no restrictions put on it so it should work.
      Hope that helps.

          1. Thank you; I’ve just seen it. Is she supposed to be on the window sill?
            She lovely. Pure black.

  1. I was trying to download it then view it and it was restricted when I was just pressing the link. Press download and then again when it come with view and download

  2. No I’ve tried refreshing the page to see if you have put another comment up and then I have tried it. I’m using a school i-pad so I don’t know if anyone else is having the same issue.

    1. I’ve been on and check Alex as Mason had the same problem.
      There is nothing my end that is restricting it.
      Have you tried refreshing and or reloading the page.

    1. Is it the documents Mason? I was able to download both from the link and the download button.
      I’ve checked to see if there is any restriction on that page and I can’t find it.
      Maybe try refreshing the page.
      Let me know

          1. Just looked at the picture. He is so sweet just sitting there and looks really well behaved.

          2. That’s great. Kensi (my Labrador) does it if she’s in the mood or if she is likely to get a treat lol

  3. Mis kingsman I want to a lake yesterday and the only parts that weren’t frozen was were the birds were. Maybe they peaked through it. They must have got cold feathers from sitting in the frozen lake water😂.

      1. I’ve just been on and had a look. It’s an amazing site isn’t it. Thank you for sharing it with me.
        When you get chance can you tweet it too.

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