Year 6 Monday 11th January 2021

Good morning Year 6 and happy Monday!   

Welcome to our virtual page. We would like you to join us every day to access your learning. As we are all living under the restrictions of a national lockdown, we will maintain a routine which is as close as possible to a normal school day.  New lessons will be uploaded every day and we are available in the comments section should you require any support. 

We hope you enjoy today’s lessons.  Please stay safe.

From Miss Kinsman, Mrs Bridges and Mrs Gillett.

Today’s timetable.


Good morning. Please say hello in the comments section below so we can mark you in on our registers. Settle in to the day by reading an extract from The Happy News (image below) which I think we could all do with right now, before writing begins.

Something inspiring to start our Monday off!




Thank you for all the writing you sent in on Friday. It is great to see many of you really getting to grips with writing in a more formal manner. I bet some of you are getting lots of Marvellous Me badges at the moment, aren’t you?

Watch today’s video for your learning, but please do contact us via comments if you need any help or guidance along the way.

Here are the comma questions you need to answer when asked to do so in my video.

If you normally work with a teaching assistant at the start of a writing lesson, then watch my first video, but starting at 12:48. Please answer the questions that are in the video (about Pigeon Impossible) and send in a photo of your answers.


Enjoy a quick break.



Warm up: Play 24 either using cards or the online version. Click here.

For Friday’s answers click here.

Feedback from Friday: I was really impressed with everyone’s work. You all seemed to really understand what to do. Well done.

Watch the lesson above, pausing at the appropriate times to complete any questions.

Now click here for your question sheet. Remember you can re-watch parts of the video to help you answer the questions.

Click here for the pink questions only if you are finding the work difficult.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: warm-up click here and, for 10 minutes, practise the times tables you are currently working on.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: watch the two short clips.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: your questions are here.


Grab a piece of fruit and a drink and let’s watch Newsround together.



Feedback from yesterday: 

Please watch the video below for today’s reading lesson. Remember you can pause and re-watch as much as you need and would like to.

The pages you need for today’s lesson:

The questions for you to answer are below. Please add your name before submitting the work.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: Complete the comprehension below, then click on the link below to choose a different text to read.

Click here to choose a different book to read.


Enjoy your lunch and we will see you back here at 13.30.


Accelerated Reader

Read your Accelerated Reader book. Let us know how you get on with your quizzes.



For topic, we are completing a range of activities as part of the Police Now Detectives scheme.

First download your recording grid (click here) and then work through each activity. I will post answers tomorrow.

Good luck detectives!

Activity 1. Activity 2. Activity 3. Activity 4 Activity 5.



There are a few options for your PE sessions, each day.

  1. Follow along with Joe Wicks, on his YouTube channel here, where he will be back to doing live workouts every morning at 9am. You can catch up with these in the afternoon, or shift your day around so you start the day this way and follow along live.
  2. Check out the activities on Coach’s PE From Home page here and choose one (or more!) to complete.
  3. Go for some exercise outdoors, whether it’s a walk, a jog, a run or something else.
  4. Choose an activity from Youth Sports Trust. You can find a list of fun activities here.

If you are able to, please take photos or videos of whichever activity you choose and upload to Twitter @hillstoneps (include your name and year group) so we can see what you are getting up to!



Click here to watch this week’s assembly.

69 Replies to “Year 6 Monday 11th January 2021”

      1. Hi Faith,

        There was a problem with the link to today’s page, but you should be able to see it now. You may need to refresh your browser to do so.


        Mrs Gillett

    1. For the second task, you are analysing a potential footprint, by looking at the sole of a shoe. So, first choose a shoe, any shoe in the house is fine. Then jot down the following:
      1. How long is it?
      2. How wide is it?
      If you don’t have a ruler accessible, then don’t worry too much about this – just record the size of the shoe.

      3. Does it have any patterns, lines, logos or anything else on the sole (what else can you say about this)? Has it been worn down in any places? Anything else that you think is note-worthy.

      I hope that helps.

    1. Ah, Alex don’t worry – they are quite tricky questions! Is there anything you would like some specific help with? It sounds like you both deserve a good lunch break! 🙂

    1. Good morning Daniel!

      That has really made me smile, thank you for the joke! Love it and found it very amusing 🙂

      The other Mrs Bridges laughed too!

      1. Miss Gilet, I sent the Quiz sheet but when I tried to watch the video of the Pigeon Impossible I said unstable connection so I couldn’t do it

        1. Thanks for the quiz sheet, Lexi.

          You do need to watch the video – and will enjoy it, I’m sure! Can you try searching directly on YouTube for it? Or do you have another device you could use to access it?

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