Year 6 Wednesday 6th January 2021

Good morning Year 6 and happy Wednesday!   

Welcome to our virtual page. We would like you to join us every day to access your learning. As we are all living under the restrictions of a national lockdown, we will maintain a routine which is as close as possible to a normal school day.  New lessons will be uploaded every day and we are available in the comments section should you require any support. 

We hope you enjoy today’s lessons.  Please stay safe.

From Miss Kinsman, Mrs Bridges and Mrs Gillett.

Today’s timetable.


Good morning. Please say hello in the comments section below so we can mark you in on our registers. Settle in to the day by reading some of the extracts from The Happy News (images below) before writing begins.

Some things to think about this morning…



Welcome!  Before I tell you any more about our new topic, please watch the video directly below:

Now, watch my video below, pausing it when instructed and carrying out the tasks you are set. You may also want to pause it at other points and even re-watch some sections.

In the video I mention about a hint sheet for your language formality task. If you wish to use it, here it is:

However, if you normally work with a teaching assistant at the start of the lesson and complete writing on a sheet, please go straight to that instead. (I will have sent your grown-up a Marvellous Me message to confirm this).


Enjoy a quick break.



Warm up: Hit the Button. Click here for website. Play times or division facts.

Watch the lesson above, pausing at the appropriate times to complete any questions.

Now click here for your question sheet. Remember you can re-watch parts of the video to help you answer the questions.

Click here for the pink questions.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: warm-up click here and, for 10 minutes, practise the times tables you are currently working on. Click here for your sheet. If you have forgotten what a multiplication array is then click here for a video reminder.


Grab a piece of fruit and a drink and let’s watch Newsround together.



Watch the video below for today’s lesson.

Pause the video each time you are asked to complete a task and also pause and re-watch any time you need to. You will find a PDF version of the text and anything else referred to below this video.

Miss Hodgkinson’s group: Complete the comprehension below and then click on the link below to choose a different text to read.

Click here to choose a book to read.



Accelerated Reader

Read your Accelerated Reader book. Let us know how you get on with your quizzes.

Afternoon Activities: Each day, after AR, choose one of the activities below to complete and then finish your day with some TTRS.


For your PE session, we are going to use an activity from Youth Sports Trust. You can find a list of fun activities here.

We are directing you to the Feeling Flexible activity, which you can see below. There are instructions and a short video clip to help. However, you can choose any of the other activities if you prefer.

85 Replies to “Year 6 Wednesday 6th January 2021”

  1. Hi, this is Alex’s mom, I just have a quick question for the accelerated reader, Alex has finished his over Christmas and done the quiz but we don’t have any books left in the house that he hasn’t read so I’m kinda stuck, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards Rebecca

    1. Good afternoon! Mrs Gillett is looking into different options for online reading as we realise many children will finish their AR books. In the meantime, you could use Birmingham Library as they have various ebooks available. I hope this is helpful. Take care, Mrs Bridges.

    1. Gosh, that was quite a lie-in! Anyway, you’re here now and that’s what matters. Don’t rush the work though – take the time you need to understand it all well and to be learning effectively!

      1. Emilia, no worries – you don’t need to submit it today as you can mark it yourself using the information I give at the end of the video. Thank you for checking, though.

    1. Oh – it’s not showing at my end! No worries though as I didn’t intend them to need to send in today’s task as they can easily self-mark it. Tomorrow and Friday’s writing lessons will require work to be submitted though.

    1. Morning, Katelyn – and no worries at all. As long as you do all your lessons, that’s what matters. I am well and safe, thanks. Hope you are too.

    1. Thanks, Jack – don’t worry about sending in your vocabulary task as you can mark it yourself against the information I give at the end of the video. Thanks for checking though.

    1. Good morning, Maisie! I’ve been waiting to see everyone logging in, but clearly was doing something wrong as only just seen this after asking Miss Bridges for help!

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